| A slider is a point which is bound to an object. features four different kinds of sliders:
- Slider on a straight line1
A slider can be moved freely along the given object. If a straight line gets converted to a line segment or a ray, the slider is restricted to these objects.
If the line segment1 is part of a polygon, the slider can be converted into a polygon slider
- slider on a polygon
When a slider is placed on a line segment confining a polygon, the check box "On Polygon" in the tab "Style" in the dialogue object properties can be activated. When activated the slider can be moved freely on boundary line segments of the polygon.
- Circle slider
Circle sliders can be moved freely on a circle. If the carrier object is an arc, the glider can only be positioned on this arc.
- Graph slider
The position of a graph slider is restricted to the visible part of a graph of a function.
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Sliders can be animated. In this case they automatically move along the carrier objet. To activate this behaviour the check box "animated" in the dialogue object properties has to be checked.
Animation can then be started with Start Animation and stopped with Stop animation. |